Report Details:
Price: |
Report Code |
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BREP034 |
For delivery in electronic format: Rs. 1500; For delivery through courier (within India): Rs. 1500 + Shipping & Handling Charges extra
ThemesBusiness Reports |
Report Length |
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27 Pages |
Period |
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2000 - 2006 |
Organization |
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Pub Date |
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2007 |
Teaching Note |
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Not Available |
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United States,
Canada |
Industry |
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Energy |
Executive Summary
The wind energy market
in the US and Canada is growing due to strong governmental and consumer
support. Governmental support includes the incentive systems such as the Production Tax Credit (PTC) in the US and Wind Power Production
Incentive in Canada. The PTC particularly affects the growth of wind
energy market in the US as it plays a major role in capacity expansion decisions
of turbine manufacturers.
In addition, regulations such as Renewable Portfolio Standards and Advanced
Energy Initiative in the US, and Feed in Tariff system in Canada aids in
increasing wind power generation.
To increase consumers'contribution in wind
power generation and consumption, the US government had
introduced the Net Metering System. Moreover, consumer awareness regarding the environmental impact
of conventional energy has also resulted in an increased demand for wind
energy. In Eastern Colorado and upstate New York ranch owners and dairy
farm owners are offering their land to wind power generating companies
for installation of wind turbines, as wind turbines occupy minimum space
and do not interfere with farming activities. This also generates extra
revenues for the land owners.
One of the major reasons for development of wind energy is to decrease
dependence on fossil fuel for power generation. Dependence on fossil
fuel imports such as oil for power generation may distort stability in
power generation. This has been emphasized by the US president through
the Advanced Energy Initiative. Development of renewable energy sources
such as wind energy can make the energy infrastructure more secure and
reliable. Rising cost of fossil fuel based power and decreasing natural
gas supply has increased the demand for wind energy. Wind energy offers
a stable price structure when compared to the price of fossil fuel based
Wind power can be generated in both onshore and offshore locations. In
the US, offshore wind farms are being developed in addition to onshore
wind farms as flow of wind over the sea is greater when compared to
land. Offshore wind farms act as supplementary to onshore wind farms.
Currently, offshore wind farms are being installed in shallow waters
that have a depth of 20 meters. Technological innovations can result in
installation of offshore wind farms even in deep waters. This will
result in complete utilization of offshore wind power potential.
Offshore installation of wind farms can also help in eliminating visual
distortion and noise pollution caused by onshore wind farms.
On the power supply side wind energy market in US and Canada is facing
certain issues such as high cost of wind turbines due to inadequate
supply. The power distribution system is totally centralized as per the
requirements of the conventional energy supply, while the wind power
generation system is decentralized in nature. This requires a revamp of
the power distribution system. Wind power generation depends on the flow
of wind in a particular region, hence the power supplied by a wind farm
may fluctuate in a given period of time. This creates the need for a
standby power generation system to ensure consistency in power supply.
The US has an impressive wind power generation potential of 10,777
terawatt hours, but only 0.25% of this potential is actually utilized.
Hence, the US has plans to increase wind power generation installed
capacity by 6000 megawatts between 2006 and 2009. Multinational green
power generating companies such as the UK based British Petroleum and
the Netherlands based Shell Renewables are planning to enter the market,
while AES Corporation, an international power plant developing company
had established its operations in the US during 2004. This will result
in increasing wind power generation capacity. FPL Energy, LLC a major
wind energy manufacturer at the global level is located in the US.
Atlanta based GE Energy ranks among the top five wind turbine
manufacturers at the global level. Canada does not feature any large
scale integrated facility for wind turbine production.
In North America excluding Mexico, the US dominated in terms of wind
power installed capacity for the period 2003 – 2005, while Canada had
only a small share. However, Canada has a higher year-on-year growth
when compared to the US. Globally, the US occupied the third position
behind Germany and Spain in terms of installed capacity for wind power
generation during 2005, while Canada occupied the 14th rank.
Wind Energy Industry, Regulatory Environment, Renewable
Portfolio Standards (RPS), Production Tax Credit, Greenhouse Gas Emission,
Fossil Fuel Consumption, Wind Power Production Incentives (WPPI), Feed-in
Tariff, Onshore and Offshore Wind Turbines, Net Metering Systems, Advanced
Energy Initiative, Research and Development, American Wind Energy Association,
Alternative Green Power Source, United States of America, Canada, North America,
Green Power Energy
A Report on Wind Energy in the United States and Canada
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